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urban myths

美 [ˈɜːrbən mɪθs]英 [ˈɜːbən mɪθs]
  • n.都市传奇(街谈巷议的传闻或趣事)
  • urban myth的复数
urban mythsurban myths
  1. There is little hard evidence on these issues , but lots of urban myths built out of anecdotal experience .


  2. Urban myths abound about the birds being able to disembowel a man with their claws .


  3. In one of the experiments , happy and sad participants were asked to judge the truth of urban myths and rumors and found that people in a negative mood were less likely to believe these statements .


  4. In one study last year , Forgas and his colleagues asked happy and sad volunteers to judge the truth of a range of urban myths and rumours , and found that sad people tended to be more sceptical .


  5. While the specific stories of this urban legend are just myths , there is a chilling undertone of truth to it , since home invaders have been documented using tactics similar to this to get into people 's homes .
